Sistema Fellows Program

Als José Antonio Abreu 2009 den TED Prize gewann, war sein Wunsch, ein Programm ins Leben zu rufen, das 50 Musiker und Musikpädagogen dafür ausbildet, Botschafter von El Sistema zu werden und ähnliche Projekte in anderen Ländern zu initiieren. Das entsprechende Video ist hier:

Ich habe das große Glück im fünften Fellows-Jahrgang mit meinen neun Mit-Fellows aus vier Kontinenten zu studieren ( 
Hier eine Beschreibung unseres Programms von der Homepage des New England Conservatory: The Sistema Fellows Program is a professional training program designed for ten postgraduate musicians and music educators who are passionate about creating careers for themselves that connect music, youth, and social change. Past participants in the Program have gone on to guide the development of numerous El Sistema-inspired programs across the United States and beyond.

Founded in 1975, El Sistema is Venezuela's celebrated free youth orchestra and social action program that provides potentially life-changing experiences for several hundred thousand children annually in rural and urban communities across the country. El Sistema has also produced internationally successful musicians such as Gustavo Dudamel and the Simón Bolívar Orchestra. The success of El Sistema has generated excitement throughout the world, and many programs inspired by El Sistema have begun to emerge around the globe, including more than fifty in the US.

Between September and May, the Sistema Fellows engage in an intensive curriculum that includes leadership, communication, non-profit strategy, funding, operations, evaluation and assessment, and educational philosophy and policy. The learning is a combination of classroom seminars and experiential work in the field. In the fall semester, Fellows spend four weeks in residence at El Sistema-inspired programs of their choosing across the US. There is also a month-long residency in Venezuela in the spring semester. To put their learning into practice, Fellows are required to spend the subsequent year serving the emerging field of El Sistema-inspired initiatives.

The class has its own blog at

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